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Welcome to Northeastern Centre for High School Research

Connecting High Schoolers 
and Collegiate Students!

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Why Should you engage in Research ?

as a High School Student

Closeup of a Petri Dish
Petri Dish

Research is a crucial part of the learning process and an essential skill for high school students to acquire. By conducting research, students develop critical thinking skills that will benefit them in all areas of their lives. Students can use research to investigate topics they are interested in, deepen their understanding of complex issues, and develop informed opinions. This is a valuable skill that not only helps students succeed academically, but also prepares them for college and their future careers.

Scientist Pipetting

We connect collegiate students struggling with workload and high school students who want to get started with research.

At present, NEHCR offers two types of programs. The first is a mentorship program where current university students assist high schoolers in writing basic literature reviews (scoping, narrative, systematic) and conducting field research (original) on subjects of their interest. The second program allows university students to recruit high schoolers to assist them with their ongoing research projects (We would provide all training for this and would expect the collegiate students to acknowledge the contributions of the high schoolers in the footnotes). 

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