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Current On-Going Projects

Although we might not have the topics/subjects that you are interested in, currently, do reach out to us via our email and we would try our best to pair you up with a mentor!

Scientist in the Lab

Genetics: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay between Enhancer Activity and Nuclear Membrane Dynamics in Spatial and Temporal Gene Transcription Regulation

Microbiology: Exploring Quorum Sensing Signals and their Impact on Host Epigenetic Regulation in Microbiota-Host Crosstalk

Chemistry: The Role of Isotopic Tracers in Cancer Therapy, Metabolic Studies, and Drug Development: A Literature Review.

The Northeast: Untangling the Layers of Sub-Nationalism in the 76th Year of Indian Independence

Mathematics: Analyzing the Convergence Behavior of Modified Power Series in the Context of Fractal Geometry

International Relations and Law: The Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in International Security


April 12, 2025


Biomedical Engineering: Age-Related Microstructural and Compositional Changes in White Matter: Insights from Diffusion MRI and Tractography Mapping of Susceptible Tracts

History: The Rise and Reign of the Ahom Dynasty in Northeast India: An Exploration of the Sources and Sustenance of Power and Influence.

Metereology: Investigating the impact of atmospheric river events on extreme precipitation and flooding in urban areas.

One one One Mentorship Program


For students new to research, we strongly recommend joining a project before applying to the mentorship program. Once accepted, students will work closely with their mentor to develop their own research question and produce a final paper. Our mentors also guide students through the publication process, providing them with invaluable experience to help them succeed in their academic careers.


If you join this program, you are to commit at least 5 hours a week. Since your peer mentors would be volunteers, please be respectful of their time


If you are a collegiate student who needs extra help with their research project, email us and we will display your project in the list of open works, and will try our best to pair you with 1-2 high school students, depending on your need. 

If you are a high school student, apply here

Foreign Language Classes

In today's global society, knowing a foreign language is more important than ever before. At Northeastern Centre for High School Research, we understand the value of learning a new language and offer a variety of language classes on a volunteer basis. Our limited availability and seats ensure that our classes are taught by only the best and most committed volunteers. We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity while you can and contact us via email to learn more about our program. We are still in the process of organizing these classes. First come first serve basis.

Current Offerings: Mandarin, Korean, German, Lhoba, Spanish, Hindi
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